Thursday, March 4, 2021

Third Meeting

We may have hit the sweet spot tonight. Good job Keith. I'm looking forward to getting into St. Ignatius of Antioch. 

After hearing back, it's settled. We'll extend Ignatius by a week.

We'll read the first four letters of Ignatius this week. Arthur will report on these on Thursday, 12th March. 

The week after, we'll finish reading Ignatius. Elmar will report on the letters to Philadelphia, Smyrna, and to St. Polycarp on Thursday, 19th March. I'll report on the Martyrdom unless a volunteer comes forward.

The week after that, we'll read and discuss St. Polycarp, his letter, and his martyrdom. Polycarp will make for a blazing ending to our Lenten readings. I'll need a set of volunteers to report on these last readings on Thursday 26th March. 

Preference will go to those who have not yet given reports. 

This extension of one week will have us going until the Thursday before Palm Sunday. At that point we'll take an Easter break and begin again with St. Justin on Thursday, 15th April, the second week of Easter.