Thursday, February 18, 2021

Invitation to Vox Patrum

Dear friends of the fraternity, Vox Partum,

If you're here, you've likely been invited to join us as we read through the most important works of the Early Church Fathers. We will begin with the Apostolic Fathers during Lent (2021) in accordance with the schedule below. Saints Justin and Irenaeus will follow during the Easter Season. No long term commitment is needed or assumed. Nor is any prior knowledge required. Also, this is a reading group, not a class. We are not experts on the Fathers, just Catholics like you seeking a greater knowledge of the faith. We will be reading some of these material for the first time along with you. This blog will be a real-time account of my own journey into the Fathers, which you may or may not wish to follow. We will meet each Thursday evening at 8pm (by zoom) to discuss the readings and offer encouragement. If, like me, you do not possess the complete 38 volume set, there are a number of places on the internet at which the writings of the Fathers can be found. My go-to site is the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Another is New Advent. If you’d like to join us, please email (see side bar).

Also, audio versions of the readings can be found at LibriVox, Youtube, and elsewhere.    

18th Feb. Introductory meeting

25th Feb. Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians  

4th Mar. The Epistle to Diognetus & The Didache                                              

11th Mar. Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch & The Martyrdom of Ignatius

18th Mar. The Epistle of Polycarp & The Martyrdom of Polycarp